Thursday, March 12, 2009

Move over, Kelly Clarkson

I usually avoid music in my writing or while on-air, other than my passionate hatred for Kelly Clarkson's music.

After four of the most torturous minutes I have ever experienced, I have come to the conclusion that Asher Roth's "I Love College" might be the worst excuse for music I have ever heard in my life.

It's awful. Just plain awful. I'm not a fan of hip-hop as it is, but this is an atrocity to music. This kid throws every stereotype and cliche saying of college together, and somehow it's music? No.

College isn't just one continuous four-year long rager. Is partying a part of college? Undeniably. But for this four-minute long babble to become the anthem for college kids is embarrassing to those of us in college who actually appreciate music.

Heck, even "Behind These Hazel Eyes" seems more appealing right about now.